Eye/Skin Irritation

What is it?
Eyes and skin can become irritated after spending time in the pool for various reasons. Out of balance pool parameter, specifically pH, can cause eye and skin irritation in swimmers. A build up of contaminants in pool water can also create chloramines (a chlorine smell) and contribute to eye/skin irritation.
To adjust pH:
- Test water to determine current chemistry conditions
- Test water before adding product to ensure which factors need to be adjusted
- Add Lo 'N Slo® if pH is high, Balance Pak® 200 if the pH is low
To remove contaminants:
- Add BurnOut® 73 or BurnOut® 3 to oxidize contaminants
- Add Pool Complete® 911 or Polysheen Blue® to enhance filtration
To prevent irritating conditions:
- Keep pool water balanced according to suggested parameters.
- Add Pool Complete® Weekly to your maintenance routine
- Backwash filter when necessary
- Shock pool weekly to destroy contaminants*
*such as perspiration, suntan lotions, hair sprays, body oils, urine, pet dander, and cosmetics.